Thursday, May 27, 2010

12 suicide cases at Foxconn, Shen Zhen (China)

Seriously, these people should think twice before jumping. Even if the work is stressful, there bound to be ways to solve it. 

Think about your family, your friends... Or perhaps they thought about all these: the compensation paid out by the company is huge, did they jump so that their family members can get this sum of money? I don't know but I think it is really foolish for them to do so. 

次数  跳楼事件综述
第十二跳 5月26日晚11点富士康深圳龙华厂区大润发商场前发生第12起员工跳楼事件。死者是C2宿舍一位男性。
第十一跳 5月25日凌晨,富士康科技集团观澜园区华南培训中心一名员工坠楼死亡。
第十跳 5月21日凌晨4时许,富士康一名21岁的男员工从宿舍跳楼,伤重不治身亡。
第九跳 5月14日 21岁的岳西小伙梁超在深圳富士康龙华厂区宿舍楼7楼楼顶坠地 。
第八跳 2010年5月11日,龙华厂区女工祝晨明从9楼出租屋跳楼身亡,24岁。
第七跳 2010年5月6日,龙华厂区男工卢新从阳台纵身跳下身亡,24岁。
第六跳 2010年4月7日,观澜樟阁村,富士康男员工身亡,22岁。
第五跳 2010年4月7日,观澜厂区外宿舍,宁姓女员工坠楼身亡,18岁。
第四跳 2010年4月6日,观澜C8栋宿舍女工饶淑琴坠楼,仍在医院治疗,18岁。
第三跳 2010年3月29日,龙华厂区,一男性员工从宿舍楼上坠下,当场死亡,23岁。
第二跳 2010年3月17日,富士康龙华园区,新进女员工田玉从3楼宿舍跳下受伤。
第一跳 2010年1月23日,凌晨4时许,富士康19岁员工马向前“高坠死亡”。

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's Vegan-Day!

Today is Wednesday and I declare, "Every Wednesday shall be Vegan-Day!"

The following tables indicates the CO2 production in kg CO2 equivalents per kg of meat depending on the animal:

1 kg of meat from 
produces kg CO2e 
 beef 34.6
 lamb 17.4
 chicken 4.57 

Source: Environmental Impacts on Food Production and Consumption.

Less meat + dairy products = Reduced personal carbon footprint. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hello Hello Durian

I finally bought one durian seed today!! 

Yum Yum ~ ~ ~ 

P5240005.jpg picture by kodokido

Monday, May 24, 2010

Win a Condo

Wow... this sounds good huh... win a condo... who doesn't want?

winacondo.jpg picture by kodokido

Bad habits in PRC

Have you ever seen a PRC Chinese spat on the floor?
Have you ever seen a PRC Chinese dug his/her nose in public?
Have you ever seen a PRC Chinese dug his/her ear in public?
Have you ever heard a PRC Chinese talked loudly?
Have you ever seen a PRC Chinese mom helping her child to pee in public?
Have you ever seen a PRC Chinese man wearing bermudas and leather shoes with long white socks?

If you have, then I can assure you that all these habits are very common in their country, PRC.They grew up with such habits and not surprisingly, they brought it to Singapore when they came along. To us, it is totally unacceptable and uncivilized. But to them, it is very normal; their grandparents did it, their parents did it so now they do it. 

Of course, not all PRC Chinese are like this, but I dare to say most of them are. 1.3 billion is a very huge figure and PRC is a big country. People differ from the north to the south, from the east to the west. I think it will take forever for them to change. But then, I think they feel that there is no need to change and hence, don't want to change. And with so many disasters happening to this big Asian country one after another, there are more important issues that need more attentions. 

I am very sure that I wouldn't want to stay in such a place for long. Yucks...   

Oh My...

I had McDonald's for lunch last Friday and I upsized my meal to get the free World Cup 2010's glass (see picture below). 

P5230005.jpg picture by kodokido

I couldn't finished my fries so I packed it up to go and headed to the supermarket to get some fruits. 

Oranges didn't look good but I was desperate for some Orangy Vitamin Cs so I just got a few. Think the bad weather previously resulted the bad harvest - there were no local oranges and the local apples didn't look good too. 

At the cashier's counter, I placed the bag of oranges, my World Cup glass and my fries down as I searched for the $10 bill. The cashier picked up and scanned the oranges, then she tried to scan my french fries! She flipped the bag of fries over and over to look for the code to scan but couldn't find. Obviously she could not find the code as my fries was not from the supermarket. I repeated thrice to her that that was french fries from McDonald's. She took a while to realize the message that I was trying to bring across. 

That was not the end, she took my World Cup glass and repeated her actions all over again. "Oh my... " was all I could say... I told her once again that the glass was from McDonald's and not from the supermarket. Then did she 'wake up' suddenly. 

Strange huh... Maybe she was too tired from the work... maybe she was trying to play a trick on me... maybe it was really my fault for placing the glass and fries on the counter... maybe...  

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Goodbye PTIs

Wanted to post this the other time but I forgot. Physical Training Instructors (PTIs) or what is now know as Fitness Specialists (FS) will be officially stepping into history. I wonder if this move has anything to do with the decreasing population - lesser citizens = lesser physically fit guys to serve the nation = decrease redundant positions to make way for more effective ones. 

Who will the army outsource the job to? Will we see Foreigners conducting exercises for us? Will we see Foreigners "punishing" us? I certainly do not hope so. 

I shall always remember that I used to be a PTI and the memories at the School of Physical Training.

Apr 14, 2010 
Civilian trainers for SAF 
Outsourcing non-core services frees up soldiers for combat jobs
By Jermyn Chow 

The Basic Military Training Centre's physical training instructors, like First Warrant Officer Mohamed Suhaimy Abdul Rashid (right), 48, are being replaced by civilian fitness instructors. The civilians will conduct gym training, aerobics, endurance runs and the military's IPPT. -- PHOTO: MINDEF

THE days of the much-feared physical training instructor of the Singapore Armed Forces are numbered.

That taskmaster in a white singlet who puts every chrome dome through punishing physical training will be replaced by civilians, as physical training throughout the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) is outsourced to commercial fitness outfits.

The Straits Times understands that the PTIs, known as fitness specialists in the SAF, will replaced by the end of next year. 

Read the full exclusive in Wednesday's edition of The Straits Times.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Testing Testing...

This post is posted via email. 

Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore

The annual marathon is back!

Although at first look, the name is the similar, it is not!! It used to be called the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon. But Singapore Sports Council (SSC) decided to do it without the Singapore Athletic Association (SAA); hence, they renamed it by changing the order of the 2 words.

Nonetheless, I will still sign up this year and challenge myself to run 42.195km.

Hello Blog... I am back!!


I am sorry that I neglected you for quite a while. How have you been? I hope you are not mad at me for not posting any stuff during this period of time. But hey, I am back now!!

I promise to fill you up with lots of posts, pictures and videos!!
That is a promise that I will stick to, please believe me.

Thank you!


PS: Back to blogging!