Wednesday, February 02, 2011

I feel good!

Last Friday was the last day of ICT; easily one of the best moments of my life. 19 days was neither short nor long but it was definitely torturing. I had to dedicate my time, strength and effort totally to SAF.

I received this token thingy which was given to those who the top felt deserved to be rewarded for their effort. Do I deserve it? I am not sure as I was only doing what I was supposed to do. The only reason why I got it could be because I was at the right place at the right time. It also just proved that some jobs allow a person to perform even when he is doing the same of job as others.

Come to think of it, my 2nd ICT was not that bad. We got smarter and know how to play around with the system. We are doing our parts for Singapore and protecting our family and friends. Somebody got to do the job. Suddenly, I am looking forward to the next ICT (5 more to go... haiz... ^^).

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