"P.U.! What's that smell? How can your body make something so stinky?
Farts - also called flatus (say: flay-tus) or intestinal (say: in-tes-tuh-null) gas - are made of, well, gas!
When you eat, you don't swallow just your food. You also swallow air, which contains gases like nitrogen (say: ny-truh-jen) and oxygen (say: ahk-sih-jen). Small amounts of these gases travel through your digestive system as you digest your food. Other gases like hydrogen (say: hy-droh-jen), carbon dioxide (say: kar-bon dy-ahk-side, the gas that makes soda fizzy), and methane (say: meth-ain) are made when food is broken down in the large intestine. All of these gases in the digestive system have to escape somehow, so they come out as farts!"
Today was a xiong day. With lessons from 8.30am to 5.30am... darm tiring... but then, i am happy to say that... i have gone for all the lessons !! Not that the lessons went on continuously... there were 2 hours of break... so, is quite alright lah !! Yeah !! Proud of myself... ha ha...
Anyway, as i was saying, there were 2 hours of break. 1st hour i was lucky to have Tianhe to lunch with me... then the 2nd hour, i went to Wee Nam to nap. (Now no hall liao mah... ) I went to level 4 where they have the individual study desks. So i found an empty one and sat down. Within minutes, i felt asleep... after some time... i was like kind of semi-unconscious... my eyes opened a bit... then my stomach felt a bit weird... then suddenly i hear a loud "Booooo..."
Yes, it was me. It was then did i realise what i did was rather loud and rude... so i pretended i was still sleeping... trying to think of ways to get away... i was struggling within myself... is like so malu... i slowly sit up... turned to my left... oh gosh.. there was somebody... i had hoped that there wasn't anybody... but darm... i realised he was looking at me... then i turned to the right... Heng ah... there wasn't anybody... but there were more people behind me... hopefully they didn't hear the "boo"
On the count of 3, i stood up and left without looking back. Sia lah...
The other time when i was at Bangkok, during the thai massage... i also accidentally farted. Darm... So malu... but that one was a soft one... but because there was only me and the lady(who was massaging me...) it was quite obvious to her. She giggled. and i pretended sleeping again.
Sooooooo Paisei...
Anyway, today was really a good day. Coz 3 good things happened to me. Yeah !!! They were the things said by people to me which is more valuable than money... (though i really hope to have more of money also...)
Happy Belated Birthday To Ching !! Thanks Ching !! ... by the way u have the same birthday as my grand ma... oh, happy birthday ah ma !!
Then also, Happy birthday to my Uncle !! Get a wife soon !!
Last but not the least... Some photos of Peiyu's Party... Haha... leeched from her blog...

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