And lucky me met, who else but Yuwen... long time never see him liao... army days suddenly flooded my brain... well... those were the days... and Yuwen has a job for me... THANKS !!!
talking about jobs, last week... were working with Peiyu... and jingfen... well... basically, we were paid to drink coffee... eat chick drumsticks... and play sodoku... and sodoku...

Haiz... school starting next week... donno whether is it a good thing or not... but then... being a student got its good point... there are so many places offering student packages now... woo hoo... like Sakae sushi... cafe cartel... pastamania... burger king... and even the KTV in JB... all got student prices... but then... that's because we are poor people !!!
looking for jobs... if you have one to offer me... tell me lah ...
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